Protecting an Elderly Loved One

Is In-Home Care For The Elderly The Better Option? In Most Cases It Is

by Margie Adams

When you become a senior or when your loved ones reach that age where it is no longer possible for them to care for themselves any longer, you begin to wonder what your next step should be. Should you stay in your home or move into a retirement community? Is staying in your own home the better option? Or is living in a care facility the right choice? While there are many factors to consider when picking which one is the right step for you to take, in-home care does have the advantage over retirement communities for many reasons.

Stay in Your Comfort Zone

When you are able to stay in your own home, you get the advantage of staying within your comfort zone. Most people don't want to have to leave their home, especially if they have lived there for most of their lives and have raised a family there. The thought of moving into a retirement home or care facility can leave them anxious and depressed. When you can stay in your own home, it helps you maintain the same level of lifestyle you are used to and keeps your comfort level in the range that helps your health and vitality.

In-Home Doctor or Nurse Visits

Many people do not like having to go and sit in the waiting room at the doctor's office for any length of time, and if that doctor is busy, it could be an hour or longer. It can be difficult for a senior to get to the doctor's office, too. When you opt for in-home care, your care nurse will visit you on a daily basis to ensure you are taking your medication, bathing regularly, eating healthy foods, and getting out in the fresh air. You can also arrange for an in-home doctor to visit so you don't have to worry about heading out to the doctor's office or sitting in the waiting room. This can greatly improve a senior's health and well-being.

Patients have been known to be more willing to see a doctor when it's within their own walls too.

Maintain Your Lifestyle

When you are able to stay at home and receive in-home care, it is much easier to maintain the same kind of lifestyle that you always have. You can still go shopping, visit friends or have them visit you, entertain family, and enjoy sitting in your backyard or in the park with no time limit or worry about taking up staff's time for other residents.

It is much better to be able to stay in your own home to help keep up your mood and spirits, which in turn helps to keep you healthy. Contact a company like Tri-Valley Personal Home Care Services to learn more.
