Protecting an Elderly Loved One

  • Options Available With In-Home Senior Care Services

    23 September 2018

    Instead of moving into a nursing home or an assisted living facility, many seniors prefer to remain in the comfort of their own homes. However, sometimes seniors need a little extra help in taking care of themselves. Home care providers offer senior care services that include trained professionals to assist seniors with activities of daily living, which ensures safety and gives seniors the freedom to continue living independently. Not all seniors require the same level of care or the same type of services.

  • 5 Benefits That Nursing Homes Offer

    1 August 2018

    As our loved ones continue to age, they tend to need more assistance with their everyday lives. This may leave us feeling nervous about their general safety. If you have a loved one who is getting older and can no longer do everything alone, it may be time to explore care options. Luckily, there are many great facilities out there. A nursing home may be a great fit for your loved one due to the many benefits that are offered.

  • Short-Term Rehabilitation Services for Older Patients

    21 May 2018

    A number of older people will specifically need short-term recovery and rehabilitation services. They might have to spend some time in the hospital for various reasons, and short-term recovery and rehabilitation services can help patients truly become healthier. For some older people, services like this will allow them to regain their independence, giving them the chance to go home again after being in the hospital. Older people who require more support in their lives will receive additional care at another level after receiving help with short-term recovery and rehabilitation.

  • 5 Benefits Of An Assisted Living Community

    22 January 2018

    One of the best ways to live as you get older may be around others. This can allow you to feel safer and enjoy the process of what all of this may bring. Taking time look at some of the assisted living communities in your area is sure to be beneficial to you. Being aware of the many advantages of doing so may motivate you to get started. Benefit #1: Socialization

  • What Factors Determine Level Of Care At Assisted Living Communities?

    16 December 2017

    If you think that your senior parent needs more support, then you should consider assisted living communities. These communities offer seniors a place to live outside of their home. Residents receive basic assistance in the following areas, such as socialization, dressing, eating, transportation, housekeeping, and toileting. However, these facilities offer different levels of care. Read on to find out what factors determine the level of care in assisted living communities.   

  • Has Your Father-In-Law Entered The Later Stages Of Alzheimer's? 3 Strategies To Ease His Transition To Memory Care

    12 December 2017

    During your father-in-law's journey with Alzheimer's, your family has shared an amazing bond. While you have spent the past several months helping him out at home, it has now reached the point where he needs more intensive professional care. Naturally, you know that transitioning to any new living environment poses a few challenges for those with Alzheimer's disease, and you can use these strategies to ease the adjustment period so that your father-in-law thrives in his new senior residential community.

  • Three Types Of Surgery That May Require In-Home Nursing Care If You Live Alone

    7 December 2017

    For the most part, people only think of in-home nursing care as something for the elderly. However, in-home nursing is a service that is available for everyone, regardless of what their age may be. In fact, if you have certain types of surgery that require a lengthy recovery period at home, there is a good chance that your doctor will recommend in-home nursing care, especially if you live by yourself. Here is a look at some of the types of surgery that may require you to have in-home nursing care to help you along during your recovery process: